Health & Safety Executive Publications

I've provided links to the recent work, and the older HSE reports listed below can usually be found on the HSE website or, in the case of older HSL reports, on the National Archives site here. If you can't find what you're looking for, please feel free to email me and I will try to help.

  • Gant S.E., Pearson A. and Sullivan E. "Review of ammonia incidents and update on ongoing research activities on ammonia safety", Harnessing history: safe design and operation of future energy systems, FABIG Technical Meeting, London, UK, 23-24 Ocotber 2024 (slides to be uploaded here in due course)

  • Hetherington R., McGillivray A., Gant S. and Tickle G. "Analyzing ammonia dispersion under varying atmospheric conditions using DRIFT", 2024 Annual Safety in Ammonia Plants and Related Facilities Symposium, American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE), 9-12 September 2024, San Diego, California, USA (slides and paper to be uploaded here in due course)

  • Gant S.E., Stavrakakis P., Slater D., Mounaim-Rouselle C. and Valera-Medina A., "Health and Safety Workshop Report from 2nd Symposium on Ammonia Energy", Journal of Ammonia Energy, Volume 2, Issue 1 (download pre-print)

  • Hetherington R., Gant S., Tikle G. and McGillivray A. "Recent research activities on ammonia at HSE Science Division", 28th Annual George Mason University Conference on Atmospheric Transport and Dispersion Modeling, Fairfax, Virginia, USA, 21-22 May 2023 (download slides)

  • Gant S., Allason D., Spicer T., Sullivan E., Chaplin Z., Halford A., Warhurst K., Acton M., Harper M., Stene J., Ferrara G. and Tickle G. "Dispersion modeling and determination of impact zones for CO2 pipelines", 2024 API Pipeline Conference and Expo: Pipeline, Control Room and Cybernetics, American Petroleum Institute (API), Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, 4-6 May 2023 (download abstract, slides)

  • Gant S.E. "Dense gas dispersion", invited talk at the Atmospheric Dispersion and Air Quality (ADAQ) group, Met Office, Exeter, UK, 18 April 2024 (download slides)

  • Gant S.E. "Ammonia, CCUS and hydrogen safety: scientific research at the Health and Safety Executive", invited talk at the Department of Energy Security and Net Zero (DESNZ), London, UK, 12 April 2024 (download abstract, slides)

  • Gant S.E. and McCann R. "Hydrogen infrastructure in the UK: regulatory challenges and scientific knowledge gaps", Hydrogen Fuel Risks Part 2, EU Technical Working Group for Seveso Inspections (TWG 2) and OECD Working Party on Chemical Accidents webinar, 14 February 2023 (download slides)

  • Gant S.E. Chair's welcome at the ADMLC webinar on katabatic flows, 13 December 2023 (download advert)

  • Gant S.E. "Atmospheric dispersion projects at HSE and the ADMLC" ADMS 6 User Group Meeting, York, UK, 29 November 2023 (download slides)

  • Gant S.E. "Skylark CO2 Dispersion Project - update" CCSA Health and Safety Task Subgroup meeting on CO2 venting, 27 November 2023 (download slides)

  • PHMSA Pipeline Safety Research and Development Forum 2023, Arlington, Virginia, USA, 31 October - 1 November 2023

    • Gant S.E. and Chaplin Z. "Carbon Capture Utilisation and Storage (CCUS): Knowledge gaps and ongoing UK activities" (download slides)

    • Gant S.E. "Skylark CO2 dispersion project" (download slides)

    • Chaplin Z. and Gant S.E. "Hydrogen knowledge gaps, research and ongoing work in the UK" (download slides)

  • Allason D. and Gant S.E. "CO2 Dispersion Joint Industry Project", presentation at DNV Spadeadam and online, 6 October 2023 (download slides)

    Skylarks recorded in June 2023 near Hartington, Derbyshire, UK. See also Spotify

  • Gant S.E. Chair's welcome at the ADMLC Seminar on dry deposition and surface chemical reactivity, UK Heath Security Agency, Harwell, UK, 4 October 2023 (download advert, slides)

  • Gant S.E., Halford A.R., Coldrick S., Allason D., Huescar Medina C., Hall J., Oxley R., Mallinder R., Travers N., Dalziel S.B., Linden P.F. "Purging hydrogen distribution pipelines: Literature review, description of recent experiments and proposed future work", International Conference on Hydrogen Safety (ICHS), Quebec City, Canada, 19-21 September 2023 (download abstract, paper, slides)

  • Gant S.E. "Hydrogen research", Hydrogen Fuel Risks Part 1, EU Technical Working Group for Seveso Inspections (TWG 2) and OECD Working Party on Chemical Accidents webinar, 15 September 2023 (download slides)

  • Gant S.E., Chaplin Z., Thomson M., Allason D., Halford A., Warhurst K., Acton M., Harper M., Stene J., Ferrara G., Miles J., Bragg S., Howard J., Turner M., Hort M., Beckett F., Spicer T., Lang J. and Sullivan E. "Carbon dioxide pipeline risk assessment: Plans for a programme of CO2 dispersion experiments and model development", Carbon Capture and Storage Association (CCSA) Health and Safety Technical Working Group, London, UK, 31 August 2023 (download slides)

  • Gant S.E. "Health, Safety and Security Workshop", 2nd Symposium on Ammonia Energy, Université d'Orléans, France, 11-13 July 2023 (download slides)

  • Slater D., Stravrakakis P., Gant S.E. and Valera-Medina A. "Health, Safety and Security Workshop report (2022)", Journal of Ammonia Energy, Volume 1, Issue 1, 4 July 2023 (download paper)

  • Gant S.E. and Wayland M. "Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS): Scientific knowledge gaps and regulation", Regulating UK CCS deployment and experience to date and research needs, UKCCSRC webinar, 6 July 2023 (download slides)

  • 27th Annual George Mason University Conference on Atmospheric Transport and Dispersion Modeling, 20-22 June 2023

    • Gant S.E. "Carbon dioxide pipelines: dispersion modeling challenges and tentative plans for a program of field scale experiments" (download slides)

    • Tickle G., Hetherington R., Gant S.E., McGillivray A. and Tucker H. "Effect of humidity on the dispersion behaviour of pressure-liquefied ammonia jet releases" (download slides)

    • Hetherington R., McGillivray A., Newton A. and Gant S.E. "Preliminary results for ammonia pipeline releases to assist in planning possible JRIII trials" (download slides)

    • Hetherington R., Gant S.E. and McGillivray A. "Notional 2-ton pressurized anhydrous ammonia nurse tank release - discharge and dispersion modelling in Phast (download slides)

  • Gant S.E. Verbal comments "International perspectives on CO2 pipeline safety and dispersion modelling", PHMSA CO2 Safety Public Meeting 2023, Des Moines, Iowa, USA, 31 May - 1 June 2023 (download agenda)

  • Chaplin Z., Gant S.E., Bannister A., Maloney C., Stevens O., Sexty T., Walyand M. and Lloyd Davies S. "Knowledge gaps in the risk assessment of hydrogen and carbon dioxide pipelines", 18th Pipeline Technology Conference, Berlin, Germany, 8-11 May 2023 (download abstract, paper, slides)

  • Gant S.E. Chair's welcome at the ADMLC Webinar on "Dense gas dispersion modelling in complex terrain, with a focus on carbon dioxide pipelines", hosted by the UK Heath Security Agency, 7 March 2023 (slides, video recording available here).

  • Gant S.E. "Ammonia as a future clean energy fuel: knowledge gaps and ongoing risk studies", Safety and Reliability Society (SaRS) Midland Branch evening talk, 31 January 2023 (download slides).

  • Gant S.E. "Developments in National Infrastructure to meet Net Zero targets: Potential new major accident hazards and scientific knowledge gaps", Group of Experts in Mitigation Systems (GEMS) meeting, Royal School of Military Engineering, Blackwater, Surrey, UK, 25 January 2023.

  • Hanna S., Spicer T., Languirand E., Björnham O., Chang J., Dillon M., Gant S., Henn D., Hicks B., Lichiheb N., McMasters S., Meris R., Pleim J. and Seebaugh W.R. "Deposition and surface chemical reactivity of anhydrous ammonia from accidental releases", 25th Conference on Atmospheric Chemistry, 103rd American Meteorological Society (AMS) Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado, 8-12 January 2023.

  • Gant S. "Hydrogen research initiatives, challenges and opportunities", US Pipelines and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) Public Meeting, Houston, Texas, 14 Dec 2022 (download slides)

  • Chaplin Z., Gant S., Wardman M. and Hetherington R. "CO2 pipeline risk assessment: Scientific knowledge gaps related to dispersion and terrain effects", Pipeline Safety Group Meeting, 1 Dec 2022 (download slides)

  • Gant S., Chang J., Hetherington R., Mauri L. and Mackie S. "Jack Rabbit III project on ammonia dispersion modelling", FLACS User Group Meeting, 1 November 2022 (download slides).

  • Gant S. "Hydrogen, ammonia and CCUS risks: Recent research findings and knowledge gaps", Challenges and issues arising from decarbonisation and the energy tranisition, 32nd Meeting of the OECD Working Party on Chemical Accidents, 25-27 October 2022 (download slides).

  • Gant S., Tickle G., Tucker H., McKenna B., Batt R., Kelsey A., Garcia M., McGillivray A., Stewart J. and Wardman M. "Jack Rabbit II chlorine release experiments: HSE scientific contribution and main findings", Health and Safety Executive Research Report RR1174.

  • 21st International Conference on Harmonisation within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes, Aveiro, Portugal, 27-30 September 2022

    • Hanna S., Meris R., McMasters S., Chang J., Mazzola T., Spicer T. and Gant S. "Planning for Jack Rabbit III field experiment focussing on anhydrous ammonia" (download short abstract)

    • Chang J., Gant S., McMasters S., Jablonski R., Mearns H., Fox S., Meris R., Bradley S., Miner S., King M., Hanna S., Mazzola T., Spicer T., Hetherington R., McGillivray A., Kelsey A., Tucker H., Tickle G., Björnham O., Carissimo B., Fabbri L., Wood M., Habib K., Harper M., Hart F., Vik T., Helgeland A., Howard J., Bowman V., Silk D., Mauri L., Mackie S., Mack A., Lacome J.-M., Puttick S., Ibrahim A., Miller D., Dharmavaram S., Shen A., Cunningham A., Beverley D., O’Neal M., Verdier L., Burkhart S. and Dixon C. "Summary of results from the Jack Rabbit III international model inter-comparison exercise on Desert Tortoise and FLADIS" (download short abstract, slides, extended abstract)

    • Hetherington R., Tickle G., Bowman V., Silk D., Gant S., Kelsey A., McGillivray A. and Tucker H. "DRIFT modelling of the Desert Tortoise and FLADIS ammonia trials for the Jack Rabbit III model inter-comparison exercise" (download short abstract, extended abstract)

    • McGillivray A., Harper M., Hart F., Puttick S., Ibrahim A., Verdier L., Gant S. and Hetherington R. "Phast modelling of the Desert Tortoise and FLADIS ammonia trials for the Jack Rabbit III model inter-comparison exercise" (download short abstract, slides, extended abstract)

    • Schaap S., Silk D., Bowman V., Howard J., Gant S., Hetherington R., Kelsey A. and Tickle G. "Calibrating ensemble predictions from the Jack Rabbit III international model inter-comparison exercise" (download short abstract)

  • Gant S. "Research on anhydrous ammonia hazards at HSE and scientific knowledge gaps" Workshop on Health and Safety, First Symposium on Ammonia Energy, Cardiff University, UK, 2 September 2022, (download slides)

  • 26th Annual George Mason University Conference on Atmospheric Transport and Dispersion Modeling, 26-28 July 2022

    • Gant S.E., Hetherington R., Chang J., McMasters S., Jablonski R., Mearns H., Fox S., Meris R., Bradley S., Miner S., King M., Hanna S., Mazzola T., Spicer T., McGillivray A., Kelsey A., Tucker H. and Tickle G. "Design of the Jack Rabbit III international model inter-comparison exercise on Desert Tortoise and FLADIS" (download abstract or slides)

    • Chang J., Gant S., McMasters S., Jablonski R., Mearns H., Fox S., Meris R., Bradley S., Miner S., King M., Hanna S., Mazzola T., Spicer T., Hetherington R., McGillivray A., Kelsey A., Tucker H., Tickle G., Björnham O., Carissimo B., Fabbri L., Wood M., Habib K., Harper M., Hart F., Vik T., Helgeland A., Howard J., Bowman V., Silk D., Mauri L., Mackie S., Mack A., Lacome J.-M., Puttick S., Ibrahim A., Miller D., Dharmavaram S., Shen A., Cunningham A., Beverley D., O’Neal M., Verdier L., Burkhart S. and Dixon C. "Summary of results from the Jack Rabbit III international model inter-comparison exercise on Desert Tortoise and FLADIS" (download abstract or slides)

    • Hetherington R., Tickle G., Bowman V., Silk D., Gant S., Kelsey A., McGillivray A. and Tucker H. "DRIFT modelling and sensitivity analysis of pressure-liquefied ammonia releases" (download abstract or slides)

    • McGillivray A., Harper M., Hart F., Puttick S., Ibrahim A., Verdier L., Gant S. and Hetherington R. "Phast modelling of the Desert Tortoise and FLADIS ammonia trials for the Jack Rabbit III model inter-comparison exercise" (download abstract or slides)

    • Schaap S., Silk D., Bowman V., Howard J., Gant S., Hetherington R., Kelsey A. and Tickle G. "Calibrating multi-model ensemble predictions from the Jack Rabbit III international model inter-comparison exercise" (download abstract)

    • Gant S.E. and Wardman M. "Use of ammonia in the maritime sector: possible future developments, knowledge gaps in atmospheric dispersion, and summary of recent risk studies" (download abstract or slides)

  • Gant S.E. Chair's welcome at the ADMLC webinar on "Use of dispersion modelling for sensor network design to facilitate source attribution, emissions estimation and incident response", hosted by the UK Health Security Agency on Microsoft Teams, Tuesday 8 February 2022, with talks by distinguished experts from the Dstl, AWE, FFI and INERIS (download advert)

  • Gant S.E. "Overview of previous CCUS research and remaining knowledge gaps", UKCCSRC Industry and policy led ‘what are our research needs’ workshop on Environmental impacts (including Health and Safety), Tuesday 1 February 2022. (download slides)


  • Gant S.E., Batt R., Herring S., Tucker H., Nibart M., Moussafir J., Habib K., Glynn K., Tan F., Armand P., Price C., Carruthers D., Trini Castelli S., Venetsanos A., Harper M., Carissimo B., Vik T., Helgeland A., Karpinnen A., Björnham O., van Wingerden K., Mauri L., Tickle G., Lacome J.-M., Truchot B., Brunold C., Fabbri L., Mack A., Spruijt M., Witham C., Leadbetter S., Stewart-Evans J., Kooi E., Wolting B., Dixon C., Puttick S., Zevenbergen J., Laboureur D. and Buckingham S. "Identification of knowledge gaps for future testing in Jack Rabbit III: a European perspective", 24th Annual George Mason University Conference on Atmospheric Transport and Dispersion Modeling, 8-10 December 2020 (download abstract, slides - full version , slides - short version presented at GMU, video presentation)

  • Gant S.E. "Flammable mists from high flashpoint fluids", Safety and Reliability Society (SaRS) Midland Branch evening talk, DNV GL Loughborough, UK, 17 March 2020 - rescheduled online on 3 Nov 2020, see the SaRS Events website for details (download poster, slides or video presentation)

  • Gant S.E., Giles A., Bettis R. and Bowen P. "Flammable mist hazards involving high-flashpoint fluids" 2020 Mary Kay O'Connor Process Safety Symposium, Virtual Symposium from Texas A&M University, 20-21 October 2020 (download slides, paper or video presentation)

  • Gant S.E. "Overview of research on Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage (CCUS) at HSE Science and Research Centre" CCSA Technical Working Group Meeting, 12 August 2020 (download slides)

  • Gant S.E. Chair's welcome at the ADMLC Seminar on "Challenges in modelling for emergency planning and response to contaminant releases", Public Health England (PHE), Harwell Campus, Oxfordshire, UK, 12 March 2020 (download slides and meeting agenda)

  • Hanna S., Mazzola T., Chang J., Gant S. and Spicer T. (Eds.) "Comparisons of Widely-Used Dense Gas Dispersion Models using Observations from the 2015-2016 Jack Rabbit II Chlorine Release Experiments", Special Issue of the Atmospheric Environment journal
    • Fox S., Hanna S., Mazzola T., Spicer T., Chang J. and Gant S. "Overview of Jack Rabbit II (JR II) field experiment and summary of the methods used in the dispersion model comparisons", Atmospheric Environment, 269, p118783, (download pre-print)

    • Mazzola T., Hanna, S., Chang J., Bradley S., Meris R., Simpson S., Miner S., Gant S., Weil J., Harper M., Nikmo J., Kukkonen J., Lacome J.-M. , Nibart M., Björnham O., Khajehnajafi S., Habib K., Armand P., Bauer T., Fabbri L., Spicer T., Ek N., "Results of comparisons of the predictions of 17 dense gas dispersion models with observations from the Jack Rabbit II chlorine field experiment" Atmospheric Environment, 244, p117887, (download pdf pre-print 1.4 Mb).

    • Gant S.E., Tickle G.T., Kelsey A. and Tucker H. "DRIFT Dispersion Model Predictions for the Jack Rabbit II Model Inter-Comparison Exercise", Atmospheric Environment, 244, p117717, (download pdf pre-print 1.6 Mb).

  • Gant S., Halford A., Atkinson G., Kelsey A., Torrado D., Hooker P., Lander D., Isaac T., Oxley R., Garrison A., Goff R. and Spriggs C. "Preliminary analysis of gas release and dispersion behaviour relevant to the use of hydrogen in the natural gas distribution network", Health and Safety Executive Research Report RR1169.

  • Hooker P. and Gant S. "HyDeploy 2 - Gas characteristics - Summary and Interpretation", Health and Safety Executive Report EA/20/9.

  • Kelsey A., Pocock D., Stewart J. and Gant S. "HyDeploy 2 - Gas characteristics - Accumulation", Health and Safety Executive Report FD/20/03.

  • Bannister A., Chaplin Z. and Gant S. "Role of Local Transmission Systems (LTS) in the Decarbonisation Pathway. Phase 1: LTS Pipeline Characterisation and Feasibility Study", Health and Safety Executive Report EM/19/38.






  • Gant S.E. "Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) modelling of dense gas dispersion over complex terrain: Requirements for Robust and Reliable CFD", Health and Safety Laboratory Report MSU/2014/17, Buxton, UK

  • Woolley, R.M., Fairweather, M., Wareing, C.J., Falle, S.A.E.G., Mahgerefteh, H., Martynov, S., Brown, S., Narasimhamurthy, V.D., Storvik, I.E.,Saelen, L., Skjold, T., Economou, I.G., Tsangaris, D.M., Boulougouris, G.C., Diamantonis, N., Cusco, L., Wardman, M., Gant, S.E., Wilday, J., Zhang, Y.C., Chen, S., Proust, C., Hebrard, J., Jamois, D. "CO2PipeHaz: quantitative hazard assessment for next generation CO2 pipelines", Energy Procedia, 63, p2510-2529 (download Open Access pdf 3.0 Mb)

  • Gant, S.E., Narasimhamurthy, V.D., Skjold, T., Jamois, D. and Proust, C. "Evaluation of multi-phase atmospheric dispersion models for application to carbon capture and storage", Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 32, p286-298 (download Open Access pdf 2.3 Mb)

  • Woolley, R.M., Fairweather, M., Wareing, C.J., Falle, S.A.E.G., Mahgerefteh, H., Martynov, S., Brown, S., Narasimhamurthy, V.D., Storvik, I.E.,Saelen, L., Skjold, T., Economou, I.G., Tsangaris, D.M., Boulougouris, G.C., Diamantonis, N., Cusco, L., Wardman, M., Gant, S.E., Wilday, J., Zhang, Y.C., Chen, S., Proust, C., Hebrard, J., Jamois, D. "CO2PipeHaz: quantitative hazard assessment for next generation CO2 pipelines", International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Technologies (GHGT-12), Austin, Texas, USA, 6-9 October 2014 (download pdf 2.0 Mb)

  • Betteridge, S., Hoyes, J., Gant S.E. and Ivings, M. "Consequence Modelling of Large LNG Pool Fires on Water", IChemE Hazards 24 Conference, Edinburgh, UK, 7-9 May 2014 (download pdf pre-print 1.7 Mb)

  • Kelsey A., Gant S.E., McNally K., and Betteridge S. "Application of global sensitivity analysis to FDS simulations of large LNG fire plumes", IChemE Hazards 24 Conference, Edinburgh, UK, 7-9 May 2014 (download pdf 0.4 Mb)

  • Lisbona D., McGillivray A., Saw J.L., Gant S.E., Bilio M. and Wardman M. "Risk assessment methodology for high-pressure CO2 pipelines incorporating topography" Process Safety and Environmental Protection Journal, 92(1), p27-35, 2014 (download pdf pre-print 1.6 Mb)


  • Dixon C.M., Gant S.E., Obiorah C. and Bilio M. "Validation of dispersion models for high pressure carbon dioxide releases" IChemE Hazards XXIII Conference, Southport, UK, 12-15 November 2012. (download pdf 1.2 Mb)

  • Gant S.E., Bettis R., Santon R., Buckland I., Bowen P. and Kay P. "Generation of flammable mists from high flashpoint fluids: Literature Review" IChemE Hazards XXIII Conference, Southport, UK, 12-15 November 2012. (download pdf 0.3 Mb)

  • Gant S.E. "Framework for validation of pipeline release and dispersion models for the COOLTRANS project", Third International Forum on the Transportation of CO2 by Pipeline, 20-21 June 2012, Newcastle, UK (download pdf pre-print 0.2 Mb)

  • Gant S.E. and Kelsey A. "Accounting for the effect of concentration fluctuations for gaseous releases of carbon dioxide" J. Loss Prev. Proc. Ind., 25 (1), p52-59, 2012. (DOI:10.1016/j.jlp.2011.06.028) (download pdf pre-print 0.2 Mb)

  • Atkinson G.T. and Gant S.E. "Flammable vapour cloud risks from tank overfilling incidents" Health and Safety Executive, Research Report RR937, 2012.

  • Gant S.E. and Atkinson G.T. "Dispersion of the vapour cloud in the Buncefield Incident" Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 89 (6), p391-403, 2011. (DOI:10.1016/j.psep.2011.06.018) (download pdf pre-print 2.1 Mb)

  • Coldrick S., Gant S.E., Atkinson G.T. and Dakin R. "Factors affecting vapour production in large scale evaporating liquid cascades", Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 89 (6), p371-381, 2011. (DOI:10.1016/j.psep.2011.07.004) (download pdf pre-print 0.5 Mb)

  • Gant S.E., Pursell M.R., Lea C.J., Fletcher J., Rattigan W., Thyer A.M. and Connolly S. "Flammability of hydrocarbon and carbon dioxide mixtures" Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 89 (6), p472-481, 2011. (DOI:10.1016/j.psep.2011.06.017) (download pdf pre-print 0.5 Mb)

  • Gant S.E. and Atkinson G.T. "CFD for reconstruction of the accident in Buncefield" 50th Dechema Tutzing Symposium, Germany, 23-25 May 2011. Also published in "Process and Plant Safety: Applying Computational Fluid Dynamics", Schmidt J. (Ed.), Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH, 2012. (download pdf pre-print 0.5 Mb)

  • Lamont D., Bettis R., Fletcher J., Nicol A., Gant S. and Coldrick S. "Water spray barriers in tunnels under construction" World Tunnel Congress and 37th General Assembly, Helsinki, Finland, 20-26 May 2011.

  • Coldrick S., Gant S.E. and Atkinson G.T. "Large scale evaporating liquid cascades -- an experimental and computational study" IChemE Hazards XXII Conference, Liverpool, UK, 11-14 April 2011. (download pdf 1.6 Mb)

  • Pursell M.R., Gant S.E., Fletcher J., Rattigan W., Thyer A.M. and Connolly S. "Flammability of hydrocarbon/CO2 mixtures: Part 1. Ignition and Explosion characteristics" IChemE Hazards XXII Conference, Liverpool, UK, 11-14 April 2011. (download pdf 10.1 Mb)

  • Gant S.E., Pursell M.R., Lea C.J., Thyer A.M. and Connolly S. "Flammability of hydrocarbon/CO2 mixtures: Part 2. predictive models for gas jet ignition" IChemE Hazards XXII Conference, Liverpool, UK, 11-14 April 2011. (download pdf 2.0 Mb)

  • Gant S.E., Lea C.J., Pursell M.R., Fletcher J., Rattigan W. and Thyer A.M. "Flammability of hydrocarbon and carbon dioxide mixtures: measurements and modelling", HSL Report MSU/2010/21, 2011. (download pdf 2.8 Mb)

  • Mahgerefteh H., Fairweather M., Falle S., Melheim J., Ichard M., Storvik I., Taraldset O.J., Skjold T., Economu I., Tsangaris D., Cusco L., Wardman M., Gant S.E. Wilday J., Zhang Y.C., Chen S. and Proust C. "CO2PipeHaz: Quantitative hazard assessment for next generation CO2 pipelines" IChemE Hazards XXII Conference, Liverpool, UK, 11-14 April 2011. (download pdf)

  • Walsh P.T., Gant S.E., Dowker K.P. and Batt R. "Response of electrochemical oxygen sensors to inert gas-air and carbon dioxide-air mixtures: measurements and mathematical modelling" J. Haz. Mat., 186 (1), p190-196, 2011. (DOI:10.1016/j.jhazmat.2010.10.108) (download pdf pre-print 0.1 Mb)

  • Ivings M.J., Gant S.E., Saunders C.J. and Pocock D.J. "Flammable gas cloud build up in a ventilated enclosure" J. Haz. Mat., 184 (1-3), p170-176, 2010. (DOI:10.1016/j.jhazmat.2010.08.020)

  • Gant S.E. and Hoyes J. "Review of FLACS version 9.0: Dispersion modelling capabilities" Health and Safety Executive Report RR779, 2010. (download pdf 0.9 Mb)

  • Gant S.E. "Reliability issues of LES-related approaches in an industrial context" Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 84(2), p325-335, 2010. ( (download pdf pre-print 0.4 Mb)

  • Thyer A.M., Kay J., and Gant S.E. "Investigations into the flammability of propane/carbon dioxide, hydrogen/carbon dioxide and hydrogen/nitrogen mixtures" Proc. IChemE Hazards XXI Symposium & Workshop, Manchester, UK, 10-12 November 2009

  • Webber D.M., Gant S.E., Ivings M.J. and Jagger S.F., "LNG Source term models for hazard analysis: a review of the state-of-the-art and an approach to model assessment" Final Report MSU/2008/24, The Fire Protection Research Foundation, March 2009 (download pdf from NFPA or HSE, 2.3 Mb)

  • Atkinson G.T., Gant S.E., Painter D., Shirvill L. and Ungut A., "Liquid dispersal and vapour production during overfilling incidents" Proc. IChemE Hazards XX Symposium & Workshop, Manchester, UK, 15-17 April 2008. Also published in IChemE Loss Prevention Bulletin, June 2009 (download pdf 7.3 Mb)

  • Gant S.E. "Quality and reliability issues with large-eddy simulation" HSL Report MSU/2008/10, 2009 (download pdf 3.5 Mb)

  • Ivings M.J., Clarke S., Gant S.E., Fletcher B., Heather A., Pocock D.J., Pritchard D.K., Santon R. and Saunders C.J. "Area classification for secondary releases from low pressure natural gas systems" Health and Safety Executive Report RR630, 2008. (download pdf 5.0 Mb)

  • Lea C.J. and Gant S.E. "Final report on Efectis' CFD simulations of fire on a channel tunnel HGV shuttle" HSL Report MSU/2008/05, 2008

  • Kay J., Thyer A.M. and Gant S.E. "Investigations into the effects of carbon dioxide and nitrogen on the flammability limits of gases" HSL Report PS/08/06, 2008

  • Gant S.E., "Practical quality measures for large-eddy simulation" ERCOFTAC Workshop on Direct and Large Eddy Simulation 7 (DLES7), Trieste, Italy, 8-10 September 2008. (download paper or slides)

  • Gant S.E., Heather A. and Kelsey A. "CFD models for evaporating hydrocarbon sprays" HSL Report CM/07/04, 2007 (download pdf 3.6 Mb)

  • Atkinson, G. and Gant S.E. "Buncefield Investigation: Liquid flow and vapour production" HSL Report FS/06/09, 2007

  • Gant S.E. and Atkinson, G. "Buncefield Investigation: Dispersion of the vapour cloud" HSL Report CM/06/13, 2007

  • Gant S.E. "CFD modelling of water spray barriers" HSL Report HSL/2006/79, 2006 (download pdf 1.4 Mb)

  • Gant S.E. and Kelsey A. "Factors influencing the indoor transport of contaminants and modelling implications" HSL Report HSL/2006/29, 2006 (download pdf 0.5 Mb)

  • Gant S.E. "Large-eddy simulation of gas dispersion in a room" HSL Report HSL/2006/28, 2006 (download pdf 0.6 Mb)

  • Gant S.E., Ivings M.J., Jones A. and Santon R. "Hazardous are classification of low pressure natural gas systems using CFD predictions" Proc. IChemE Hazards XIX Symposium & Workshop, Manchester, UK, 27-30 March 2006 (download slides or paper)

  • Gant S.E. and Ivings M.J. "CFD modelling of low pressure jets for area classification" HSL Report HSL/2005/11, 2005 (download pdf 0.5 Mb)

  • Gant S.E. and Ivings M.J. "CFD modelling of low pressure 'coke oven gas' jets" HSL Report CM/05/08, 2005

Manchester University Publications

The publications linked below were all made whilst I was working at the University of Manchester, or UMIST, as it once was. They are mainly about a new wall-function treatment for RANS models.
  • Gant S.E. and Stallard, T. "Modelling a tidal turbine in unsteady flow", ISOPE conference, Vancouver, Canada, 2008 (download pdf 5 Mb)

  • Craft T.J., Gant S.E., Gerasimov A.V., Iacovides H., and Launder B.E. "Numerical modeling of heat transfer in wall-adjacent turbulent flows" Chapter 11, Handbook of Numerical Heat Transfer, 2nd Edition, Minkowycz, Sparrow & Murthy (Editors), ISBN 0-471-34878, 2006
  • (download pdf pre-print 0.8 Mb)

  • Craft T.J., Gant S.E., Gerasimov A.V., Iacovides H., and Launder B.E. "Development and application of wall-function treatments for forced and mixed convection flows" Fluid Dynamics Research, 38 (2-3), p127-144, 2006 (download pdf 0.5 Mb © The Japan Society of Fluid Mechanics and Elsevier B.V.)

  • Craft T.J., Gant S.E. and Iacovides H. " Application of a generalised RANS wall funcion to recirculating flows with heat transfer", Fourth Int. Conf. on Computational Heat & Mass Transfer (ICCHMT), 17-20 May, Paris-Cachan, France, 2005 (download pdf 0.2 Mb)

  • Craft T.J., Gant S.E., Gerasimov A.V., Iacovides H., and Launder B.E. "Advances in Practical Near-Wall Turbulence Modelling", Fourth European Thermal Sciences Conference, Birmingham, UK 2004 (download pdf 0.9 Mb)

  • Craft T.J., Gant S.E., Iacovides H., Launder B.E. and Serre E. "Three-dimensional simulation of rotor-stator cavity flow", CSAR Focus Magazine, Edition 12, 2004 (download pdf 0.5 Mb)

  • Craft T.J., Gant S.E., Iacovides H., Launder B.E. and Robinson C.M.E. "A new wall function for complex turbulent flows", presented at the Laboratoire MSNM-GP, Universite d'Aix/Marseille, Feb 2004 (download slides.ppt 14 Mb).

  • Craft T.J., Gant S.E., Iacovides H., and Launder B.E. "A new wall function strategy for complex turbulent flows", Numerical Heat Transfer Part B: Fundamentals Vol. 45, No. 4, p301-318, 2004 (download pdf 0.4 Mb © Taylor & Francis)
  • Craft T.J., Gant S.E., Gerasimov A.V., Iacovides H., and Launder B.E. "Wall-function approaches for turbulent flow CFD" 6th ISHMT-ASME Heat and Mass Transfer Conference, Kalpakkam, Tamil Nadu, India, 5-7 January 2004.

  • Gant S.E. "Development and Application of a New Wall Function for Complex Turbulent Flows" PhD Thesis, Dept. of Mechanical, Aerospace and Manufacturing Engineering, UMIST, November 2002. 
  • This can be downloaded as a whole in GNU-zipped PostScript format (9 MB) or in pdf format thesis.pdf (13 Mb) (if you have a choice, download the ps.gz version which has better quality fonts). It can also be downloaded in parts by clicking on the links below. 
    • Title, Declaration and Acknowledgements ps.gz pdf
    • Abstract and Contents ps.gz pdf
    • Nomenclature ps.gz pdf
    • Chapter 1: Introduction & Literature Survey ps.gz pdf
    • Chapter 2: Mathematical Models ps.gz pdf
    • Chapter 3: Numerical Implementation ps.gz pdf
    • Chapter 4: Subgrid-based wall function: UMIST-N ps.gz pdf
    • Chapter 5: Impinging Jet Flow ps.gz pdf
    • Chapter 6: Spinning "Free" Disc Flow ps.gz pdf
    • Chapter 7: Ahmed Body Flow ps.gz pdf
    • Chapter 8: Discussion and Conclusions ps.gz pdf
    • Appendix A: RANS Equations for Axisymmetric Swirling Flow ps.gz pdf
    • Appendix B: Introduction to Curvilinear Coordinates ps.gz pdf
    • Appendix C: RANS Equations in Curvilinear Coordinates ps.gz pdf
    • Appendix D: Subgrid Wall Function Transport Equations ps.gz pdf
    • Appendix E: Numerical Treatment of Subgrid Transport Equations ps.gz pdf
    • Appendix F: Transport Equations used in STREAM ps.gz pdf
    • Appendix G: Other Wall Function Options Explored ps.gz pdf
    • Bibliography ps.gz pdf
    • Figures ps.gz pdf  

  • Craft T.J., Gant S.E., Gerasimov A.V., Iacovides H. and Launder B.E. "Wall Function Strategies for use in Turbulent Flow CFD"  Proc. 12th International Heat Transfer Conference, Grenoble, France, 2002 Download paper in pdf format.

  • Craft T.J., Gant S.E., Iacovides H., Launder B.E. and Robinson C.M.E. "Computational study of flow around the "Ahmed" car body (case 9.4)", 9th ERCOFTAC/IAHR/COST Workshop on Refined Turbulence Modelling, Darmstadt, Germany, 4-5 October 2001 Download paper in pdf (2.1 Mb) ps.gz (1.4 Mb).

  • Craft T.J., Gant S.E., Iacovides H. and Launder B.E. "Development and Application of a New Wall Function for Complex Turbulent Flows", ECCOMAS CFD2001 Conference, Swansea, Wales, UK, 4-7 September 2001.  Download paper in pdf or ps format.

